Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Self Satisfaction

For me, training has always been about bettering myself each and everyday.  In some way, I want to push the envelope every time I step into the gym and see how far I can take my body and mind.  I'm having one of those weeks that any lifter dreams of.  I've achieved 4 personal records in two days so far this week.  I'm healthy, I feel strong, and the program that I've been writing since the end of football season has brought me great results.

Monday, I set PRs in the deadlift at 440 pounds for a set of 2 and 473 pounds for a max single.  I then squatted 253 for a PR set of 20.  Tuesday morning, we had to clean for football testing, and I worked up to an all time PR of 253 pounds for a triple.  I then came back later in the day, and set two PRs in the push press by hitting 220 pounds for a set of three and 242 pounds for a single, which is 12 pounds over my bodyweight.

My goals this week were to deadlift at least 460, squat 253 for 20, and push press my own bodyweight.  I achieved my squat goal and blew my deadlift and push press goals out of the water.  I had no expectations in the clean, since I hadn't done it in so long, so setting an all-time PR in it was not only very satisfying but built a great deal of confidence in my training.

Strong is strong.

Dynamic Upper Body Training (Cut down due to the beginning of football workouts)

Foam Rolling
General Warmup
Dynamic Warmup

Band Rows
Band Face Pulls
Bodyweight Squats

Push Jerk--5x1

Push Press--Worked up to PR sets of 220x3 and 242x1

Supplemental Lift
Push Press Drop Set--176x8

Assistance Lift
Seated Cable Rows--4x12

Gun Show--3 Rounds
Straight Bar Triceps Extensions--15
Dumbbell Curls--Submax each arm

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