Sunday, January 20, 2013

Get Stronger Every Day

Strength is a process not an end.  There is on point where you can say, "Ok, now that I've done this, I am strong."  Each and every day you must strive to be stronger than yesterday.  I will never promise myself or an athlete that I can pack on 25 pounds of muscle in a certain amount of time, or that I can add 60 pounds to a squat or deadlift in just a couple short months with some magical technique or programming.  I can promise that my athletes, teammates and I will work and push ourselves and each other every day to improve and get stronger.  Whether it's one more pound or one more rep, an increased work capacity or better technique, or even just going past failure and completing a rep or a set when every part of your body was begging you to quit, your goal should be to make progress every single time you step into the gym.  That is what we're about at JMSB; progress.

Dynamic Lower Body Training 

Foam Rolling
General Warmup
Dynamic Warmup

Lateral Band Walks
Band Pull Downs
Bodyweight Squats

Position Strength
Barbell Complex--Clean+Front Squat+Slow Negative Deadlift with 135 pounds

Conventional Band Deadlifts--55% of estimated 1RM deadlift for 10x1 with 10 seconds rest
*255 lbs plus 2 light band tension*

Pause Squats--55% of estimated 1RM squat for 5x4 with 5 second pause and 45 second rest
*205 lbs*

Supplemental Lift
Leg Press--2x25
*4 plates*

Conditioning/Muscle Building--2 Rounds
Dumbbell RDLs--10
Dumbbell Rows--10 each arm
Bodyweight Cossack Squats--10 each leg

Ab Roller Rollouts--2x12, 1x10

Heavy Upper Body 

Foam Rolling
General Warmup
Dynamic Warmup

Band Rows
Face Pulls

Plyo Pushups--3x5

Close-Grip Bench Press--3x5 at 8 RPE
*295 for 1x5, 2x4--No spotter*

Lat Pulldowns--4x8

Supplemental Lift
Military Press--3x10 with 60% of estimated 1RM push press
*135 for 2x10, 1x8--Previous best single set at 135 was for 10*

Conditioning/Muscle Building--3 Rounds
Band Resisted Pushups--15
Inverted Rows--15
Anti-Rotation Press--30 seconds each side

Gun Show--3 Rounds
Rolling Dumbbell Extensions--12
Hammer Curls--10 each side

Finisher--2 Rounds
Dumbbell Farmer's Carries--120 lb dumbbells x Failure

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