Wednesday, January 2, 2013

No Reason For Resolutions Here

You know it's the new year when a ton of new faces show up at the gym for a couple days with their resolutions to start working out.  Inevitably these same people will burn out within a month, some within a week.  You shouldn't need the number on the calendar to change to work hard and push yourself mentally and physically.  My training partners and I wake up everyday and attack our training with a purpose.  These guys are college athletes, and devote their lives to their sport and to preparing themselves to succeed in that sport and in life.  It's not about making working out and training a hobby, it's about it being ingrained as a part of your life, just as vital as earning a wage or even breathing.  Stop putting it off until tomorrow, stop waiting until next year...Take action, embrace the grind, and make yourself better today!
Here are the first two heavy workouts of the 3rd week of our second post-season workout cycle.

Workout #1 Heavy Lower Body
Foam Rolling
General Warmup
Dynamic Warmup

Bodyweight Squats
Band Lateral Walks

Knee Jumps to Tuck Jumps--6x2

Squat--Work up to 1x2 at 10 RPE (Max Effort)
*Worked up to 340 for 1x2, was too easy, so went up to 350 1x2

Back Down Set of Squats--1x10 at 75%
*265 for 1x10

Supplemental Lift
Block Deadlifts--3x3 at 85% estimated 1RM from 1st month
*390 for 3x3

Upper Back Strength
Chest Supported T Bar Rows--3xFailure

Conditioning--10 Rounds
Backwards Sled Drag
Agility Ladder Variation

More Conditioning--8 Total
Single Leg Cone Agility into Hill Sprint
Double Leg Agility Work into Hill Sprnt

Workout #2 Heavy Upper Body
Foam Rolling
General Warmup
Dynamic Warmup

Band Pulldowns
Pushups w/Groiners
Band Shoulder Traction

Plyo Pushups--6x2

Floor Press--Work up to 1x2 at 10 RPE (Max Effort Lift)
*Worked up to 325 for 1x2*

Cambered Bar Board Press--2xFailure
*1x12 at 225; 1x9 225 (Rest/Pause); 1x3

Supplemental Lift
Dumbbell Rows--3x12 each arm

Conditioning/Muscle Building--3 Rounds
Weighted Pull Ups--8
Dips w/Straight Leg Raise--Failure

Accessory--2 Rounds
Lying Band Chest Flys--20
Band Pull Aparts--25

Gun Show
Band Overhead Triceps Extension--100 Total Reps
Band Curls--50 Total Reps

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