Friday, January 4, 2013

Let Nothing Stand in Your Way

Some days you have it and some days you just don't.  Everyone, no matter who they are, has off days.  The last two workouts of this week were a perfect example of how one day you can feel like no weight is too heavy and the next you feel like your body might crumble if you even try to move.  I started working at Shoprite again this week to make a few bucks before I head back to school, so my sleep and workout schedule has changed drastically to adjust to my new schedule.  
Konstantin Konstantinovs 

On Thursday morning, I got up before work with a spring in my step.  I was fuckin' pumped to get to the gym and hit a crazy dynamic lower body session.  I tore through every single weight.  I felt great, I felt like I wanted more, and no matter how much I sweat or how tired I got I kept pushing and pushing faster and harder.  It was one of the best workouts I've had in a long time.  Even better, I felt great after the workout.  I was more awake then I was before or during the lift, and I went to work feeling like a champ and in a great mood.

Then, came Friday morning.  I woke up and tried to roll out of bed, and immediately was conscious of how sore I was.  I was exhausted, and I just wanted to get back in bed and close my eyes.  But, I dragged myself to the gym and tried to foam roll and get warmed up.  I felt slow, lethargic, and like this workout was going to crush me.  But, slowly but surely, I set up to hit some heavy push presses, and as the weight grew, I started feeling better and better.  I set up to hit a personal record at 210 pounds for 3 reps.  As I unracked the weight, I thought to myself, "FUCK ME GINGLES, THIS IS HEAVY..."  But, I dipped down, exploded up and pressed out my first rep.  I immediately dropped the bar down, dipped again and exploded up.  The bar stalled about halfway up, and I thought, "Shit, this is it, I'll get this rep but no way can I get another one, and if I try I could get hurt..."  I stopped myself.  If I listen to my body, and quit now, I will regret it and wonder if I could have reached my goal of 3 reps at 210.  So, against my better judgement, I lowered the bar again and exploded up, trying to throw the bar through the roof.  The bar moved faster than it had all day, and it was my best rep of the set.  I actually considered moving the weight up again for a brief second...

The point is, push yourself.  When you're tired, fight through it, don't let your body tell your mind what to do.  Sometimes when you feel like shit is when you will make the most progress, both mentally and physically.  Some of the best lifts I've ever have have occurred when I walked into the gym thinking, "God just get me through this," or "There is no way I'm going to lift well today, I can barely move..."  Be accountable to yourself and demand the best from yourself no matter what, and the results will come.

Thursday Dynamic Lower Body Training

Foam Rolling
General Warmup 
Dynamic Warmup

Bodyweight Squats
Lateral Band Walks

Broad Jumps--4x2

Sumo Deadlift--8x2 at 325 lbs with 30 seconds rest between sets
*Felt fucking awesome

Pause Squats--7x3 at 215 lbs with 45 seconds rest between sets
*Added a 7th set because a guy was talking to me and forced me to take too much time between one of the sets

Supplemental Lift
Snatch-Grip Deadlifts--3x12

Leg Strength
Leg Press--3x20 (60 total reps) at 425 lbs
*Assuming the machine is a 45 pound bar, no clue if it is

Conditioning/Muscle Building
Bodyweight Reverse Lunges--10 each leg
Band Rows--20
Back Extensions--20

Front/Back Lever Training

Friday Accessory Upper Body Training

Foam Rolling
General Warmup
Dynamic Warmup

Band Rows
Triceps Extensions
Shoulder Traction
Push Press for full body explosiveness
and strength

Light Barbell Push Jerk--3x3

Push Press--3x3 
*Worked up to a Personal Record set of 210 lbs for 3*


Back Down Set of Military Press--1xFailure at 135 lbs
*Did 1x10 at 135 lbs, 3 reps better than last week

Supplemental Lift
L-Sit Pull Ups--4xSubmax
*2 sets of 10, 1 set of 8, 1 set of 6

Klokov Press--3x8

Conditioning/Muscle Building--3 Rounds
Chest-Supported T Bar Rows--10
Neutral Grip Band Resisted Pushups--Submax

*Had to leave the gym at this point to get ready for work.  Pissed I couldn't finish my workout, enter the Shoprite Workout...(Done throughout the day when I was bored)

Mikhail Koklyaev
Strict Military Press--3x10 with 90 lb box of Beef (Hilariously ironic)
Strict Military Press--1x15 with 90 lb box of Beef
Bodyweight Triceps Extensions--3x8

Carrying heavy boxes of chicken and beef all day aka my job


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