If you haven't guessed yet, I had to pleasure of walking into the gym today and seeing some middle-aged guy doing shrugs with a cambered bar in the squat rack. The list of other places in the gym you could do these and other ways you could make these happen is endless so I won't even bother getting into them. Ok, so that sucks, but I still had to warm up and do the power portion of my workout, so no big deal. I figured for sure he'd be done by the time I was done warming up.
I finished my 20 minute warmup and walked over to begin the power portion of my workout. Hmm, he's still there, but now he's just standing there...talking to another middle-aged guy who was using straps to do dumbbell curls...
Now I'm starting to get pissed, but I still had to do my power work, so I got too it. Three sets of muscle snatches later, he's still there. I'm about to lose it. But I'm nothing if I can't adapt, so I started warming up my front squat with some quick clean technique work and front squat complexes. I finished up, and began walking over to the rack without looking, sure that by now, this motherfucker has got to be done.
If you can't see where this is going yet, he was still there. I had had it. I walked up, and literally stood next to him and his buddy as they were talking. Finally, he looks over, having not actually done a set in about 10 minutes, and goes, "Do you need this?" He proceeds to unrack the bar and walk away, leaving the cambered bar sitting in the squat.
Next time it happens, I'm going to take that cambered bar over to him and shove it...Nevermind. Point is, unless your squatting, just get the fuck out of the squat rack.
Now that that's over, on to the training. Today was a really light day, so I'm not going to get too far into it. After setting two PRs on Tuesday in the clean at 264 pounds for 3 and 286 pounds for 1, I tweaked my lower back doing some extra work. With three bulging discs in my lower back from last spring, I've been very careful since then to stretch, rehab, and rest my lower back. I haven't missed a training session yet, but my work has been lighter, keeping perfect technique and focusing on mobility and low back/abdominal strength so that I don't further aggravate it.
I skied for seven hours yesterday, so my legs were already shot going into this. Still got the work done, and had some fun with new movements as well.
General Warmup
Dynamic Warmup
Lower Back Stretching/Activation
Muscle Snatch--3x5 at 135 pounds
Technique/Position Strength
Clean+Front Squat+Slow Negative Deadlift--3x1 at 185 pounds
Front Squats--4x8
*Worked up to 225 pounds for 8*
Single-Leg Work
Dumbbell Split Squats--3x10 each leg
Leg Press--3x12
*4 plates and a quarter on each side*
Wheel Rollouts--2x15
Stretching/Low Back Rehab
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