Friday, December 7, 2012

Mental Toughness Workout

After spending most of the day in bed feeling like I got run over by a Mack Truck, (my own fault) I finally mustered up the energy to go grab some food and get in my last heavy session of a 3 week cycle.  Next week will be a deload week, which I will explain and outline over a post or two next week.  It couldn't come at a better time either.  I feel like I've pushed the volume and intensity of my workouts to a peak over these last three weeks, and it will be beneficial for my training partners and I to back off for a week to allow the central nervous system and muscles to recover.  

World Class Powerlifter
Brandon Lilly
I was particularly proud of this workout because I ate nearly nothing all day and felt like absolute shit.  Again, this was entirely my fault, and moving forward, I won't let it happen again, but I felt good about the fact that instead of taking the whole day off and trying to get the lift in tomorrow, I sacked up and got it in anyway.  Surprisingly, despite only eating one meal and spending most of the day dead in bed, I actually had a pretty good lift.  Just goes to show, sometimes you need to push the mind and body to the limit to find out how far you're capable of going.  Listen to your body, but know the difference between a situation where you really need to back off your training and a when you can push yourself and develop mental toughness.   That's one of the great things about training, not only does it develop your body, but it allows you to develop so much more.  Toughness, determination, and perseverance can all be forged through long hours spilling blood, sweat, and tears in the gym.  These attributes will follow you and carry over to so much more than training.  So next time you really don't feel like lifting, or you haven't been eating right, or it would be so much easier to take a nap or go drink with friends, push yourself and see what you're capable of. 

Embrace the grind.

General Warmup
Dynamic Warmup

Active-Dynamic Warmup Series--4 each movement
Offset Band Pull Aparts--2x15
Terminal Knee Extensions--3x15 each leg
335 lbs + Light Green Band Tension

Seated Tuck Jumps--3x3

Front Box Squats--8x3
--Worked up to 310 lbs for 3

Speed Work
Speed Deadlifts w/ Bands--6x3
--Used 75% of current estimated 1RM plus light green band tension

Conditioning/Muscle Building--3 Rounds
Pendlay Rows--8
Band-Resisted Glut/Ham Raises--8
Sprinter Sit Ups--12 each side

Chain/DB Weighted Cossack Squats--2x6-8 each leg

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