Monday, December 17, 2012

Good To Be Back Under a Heavy Bar

Klokov Presses are a brutal exercise
that will help you add size and
strength to the shoulders
and upper back
Now that our deload week is over it's good to be back lifting heavy again!  I decided to push the volume and intensity today because coming out of our back off week the body felt primed for a tough workout.  Not only was this workout brutal for the entire upper body, but it pushed us to be mentally tough as well, especially by the end where my grip was shot and the very last thing I wanted to do was farmer's carries.  Nothing special here just heavy weights and hard work and sometimes that's all you need.

General Warmup
Dynamic Warmup

Band Pull Aparts--2x15
Band Rows--2x15
Scapula Pushups--2x15

1) Drop Pushup Ups--5x3

2) Floor Press--3x5 at RPE 8
--Worked up to 295 for 3x5, had to fight out the last rep but I felt good so I decided to push the intensity higher than I had planned

3) Neutral Grip DB Bench--2x15

4) Pendlay Rows--4x8

5) Klokov Press--3x6-8

6) Pull Ups--3xSubmax

Muscle Building/Conditioning--3 Rounds
7a) Band Triceps Extension--Failure
7b) Rope Biceps Curls--15
7c) DB Side Lateral Raises--15

Finisher--3 Rounds
8) DB Farmer's Carries--110 lbs

Floor Presses are a partial movement variation
of the bench press and help to improve
the lockout portion of the bench press
Did a lot of work today.  Sometimes you have to push the envelope and force your body and your mind to leave their comfort zones.  This was a very taxing workout on the upper body, but I felt good when it was over and I'm excited for the rest of this next 3 week cycle of training.

Below is the link for the JMSB group on Facebook.  If you'd like to see workouts posted over winter break or ask questions or leave comments for anyone in our group of lifters join us!

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