Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Ain't Nothin' but a Deadlift Party!

CJ Vines Killing the Deadlift!
Woke up and looked out the window today to a couple of inches of snow on the ground and more to come!  Love it, ski season is just around the corner.  Even better was today was a deadlift today.  I was pleasantly surprised that despite the snow, we got quite a gathering to hit some heavy deads and kill a lower body workout.  Brent Hasko, a junior soccer player at FDU, Mike Mancino, an honorable mention All-Conference Linebacker (who lead the conference in tackles), and of course big Jim Rizz and CJ Vines all came out today to hit the king of all lifts:  The deadlift.  While the squat may be the king of all lower body lifts, nothing matches the deadlift in terms of building and displaying full-body strength and power.  If anyone would like to join us for some hardcore heavy lifting feel free.  The more the merrier!

Lower Body Training--11/27/12

General Warmup
Dynamic Warmup

Backwards Underhand Med Ball Throws--5x3 Full Recovery

Deadlift (Conventional or Sumo)
3x3 at RPE 8 (Using Joe Meglio's Deadlift Like a Man RPE system)
--Worked up to 410 lbs for 3x3 (Sumo)

Assistance Work
Deficit Deadlifts--8 Singles at 70% estimated 1RM w/ 60 seconds rest in between
--310 for 8 singles (Conventional off a 3 inch plate)

Pull Ups
--2 sets submax, 1 set max reps

Deficit Deadlifts with 70% of 1RM
Muscle Building/Conditioning Circuits--3 Rounds
1) Dumbbell and Chain Weighted Bulgarian Split Squats--8 each leg
2) Glute/Ham Raises--10-12
3) Band Resisted Knee Tucks--15

Active Stretching/Finisher
Cossack Squats--3x10 each leg (30 lbs of chains)
Rizz performing Cossack Squats to finish the workout

Maybe I'm biased because it's my favorite lift but there really is nothin' like deadlifting.  This workout was brutal and I know I'm gonna be feeling it tomorrow but I loved it.  For those of you who read this blog, share it with friends, leave me comments and feedback, and give me suggestions about what YOU want to see on here or any questions you want answered.  Nothing is more important to me than your feedback because I'm always looking for ways to improve my training and help other improve there's.  Love the iron and embrace the grind baby!

One last thing, this video really got me hyped to deadlift this week.  Nothin' like watching the best in the world pull to motivate you to go out there and get after it.  Enjoy, courtesy of Supertraining.tv!


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